Saturday 18 August 2012

Welcome to the UK

We have been living in England for 4 months now. So I am a little behind on starting this blog. But my lovely sister-in-law Emily has inspired me to start this, and I'm sure I will be glad that I did this one day. Growing up I was that kid who wrote in the first page of the diary and then never wrote in it again, so we will see how long I can keep this up. 

We got to England on April 17, 2012. It has definitely been culture shock for me. We had a knock down drag out fight with the housing office on base about living on base, but after a month we lost. It has turned out to be a blessing in disguise and we love living on base now. The weather is usually gloomy and rainy. Except for today when I took a picture of the house for this blog. This is not an accurate representation of the typical english weather.

Here is the front

And here is the back

Yes that is Lizzy running around :)

I would post pictures of the inside, but we haven't finished unpacking yet. Which I'm sure comes as a complete shock for those of you who know us. 

Things we like so far:
  • A pub/restaurant called Bird in Hand
  • A french restaurant in Bury St. Edmunds called Cafe Rouge
  • Hot Chocolate (They have raised the making of hot chocolate to an art form)
  • Brother's strawberry mixed pear hard cider
  • Traveling
Things we miss:
  • Chick-fil-a
  • Good sushi
  • American food in general
  • Being able to watch football and baseball
  • Air conditioning
  • Target (and believe it or not Walmart)
  • Our family and friends (come visit!)
I think that is enough for now, I still have a few more posts to make to get caught up to the present!

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